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Kimmer's Course Notes
Canvas-free lecture notes
Adding a webpage to a corpus
Aggregation Queries
Boolean IR Query Engine
C112 – IU Anyware Uploads and Downloads
C112: Aggregation and Computation in the SELECT clause
C112: Entity-Relationship Diagrams
C112: INNER JOIN queries
C112: Introduction to databases
C112: Other query clauses
C112: Relational databases
C112: Single-table queries in SQL
C112: SQL Create Table statements
C112: Views in databases
Classes in Python
Creating NetBeans Projects
Customizing the result set
Data Warehousing
Design Research
Dictionaries in Python
Document Index ADT
Entity Relationship Diagrams
ERDs to Schemas
Flowchart Basics
Frequency Measures
Functions in Python
Goal-Directed Design
I210: Create an IntelliJ Project
INFO Course Notes
INFO-C112 Contents
INFO-I308 Contents
INFO-I421 Contents
INFO-I427 Contents
INFO-I441 Contents
Inner Joins
Installing NetBeans
Interaction Frameworks
Interaction Types and Ideation
Introducing Python
Introduction to Information Retrieval
Nested Queries
Nested Queries using IN
Non-participation Queries
Paper Prototying
Persistence and Databases
Python Collections
Python lists, sets, and tuples
Queries with NULL values
Records and Data Models
Scenarios and Design Requirements
Schema Refinement
Self Joins
Stemming and Lemmatization
Surface Plane Principles
Tables and SQL
The Relational Model
The Vector Space Model
Tokenizing and normalizing a document
User Modeling
Zero Rule and baseline classifier accuracy
Functions in Python