
The name of INFO-I308 is Information Representation, which is not very informative. In computing, important information is stored in a database, and I308 is an introduction to how that process unfolds.

Table of Contents

  1. Persistence and Databases
  2. Records, Data Models, and Relationships
  3. Tables and an Intro. to SQL
  4. More than one table in a query
  5. Sorting Results and Calculating from Data
  6. The Relational Model
  7. Conceptual Data Models and ERDs in Chen notation
  8. Converting ERDs to Relational Database Schemas
  9. Normal Forms — being precise about redundancy
  10. Queries with NULL values
  11. Nested queries
  12. The IN operator and Intersection queries
  13. Non-participation queries
  14. Self-join queries
  15. Aggregation queries
  16. Data Warehousing: OLAP Data Cubes and Star Schemas